Monday, February 8, 2010

New Student Outreach

New Student Outreach is a concentrated time at the beginning of each semester to well, reach out to new students. Our hope is to meet, greet and learn about the spiritual status of as many students as we can. By doing this we are able to invite them to join the InterVarsity family where they can learn more of God and his son Jesus. We have met over 150 students and are now helping those students connect with our small group ministry.

Students enjoying a meal as they hear 11th Hour Band, live Indian band leads in worship and musical selections.

Our Church Tour every semester continues to help new students connect with IVCF and build a strong connection between campus and the local church. Here is group of students on Jan. 24 at our first church tour of the semester. We are thankful to Vroom St church and Pastor Bill Sweeting for hosting the students so generously!

Some of our students enjoying a time of celebration after our WELCOME BACK JAM.

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