Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One Hour Spiritual Retreat!

This time in the semester is like staring down at a tornado. The whirlwind of final papers, lab reports, group presentations and study groups is blowing hard. This is a high stress season on campus and students can lose hope and focus about their academic pursuits.

But on Monday, a handful of students were able to pause and invite God into their lives through a Prayer Labyrinth hosted at Peddie Church in Downtown Newark. Students walked into the candle-lit room wondering how they could connect with God knowing their minds were full of to-do lists. But on that Monday morning they began to walk the Prayer Labyrinth and pray through John 15 reminding them of Christ's love and care for them. The students left refreshed.

We are hoping to implement more One Hour Spiritual Retreats for our students next semester. Keep praying for our students and the campus during this season!

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